Best pairing subwoofer with B & W 805D4

I am looking for those who have experience with this pairing, those whom have the speakers and what they have found to be best subwoofer pairing(s)?

Yes I understand room dynamics, which will be changing, but general recommendations for balanced dynamic range.

Equipment is nothing outrageous;

McIntosh c2700, Audio Research LS2, Krell KSA200s, Krell KST 100, Audio Research DAC2, Jays Audio CDT3 MK3,  Pure Fidelity Harmony.

Thanks for any input, but looking for user that have experienced the speakers!


Showing 1 response by mofojo

10 grand will buy some kickass subs! 
couple JL Fathoms would be nice. Very musical and easy to blend with Monitors IMO.