Best of both worlds?? Dreaming perhaps??

Guess I will try again since last time didn't get much response. Really trying to incorporate both HT and 2 channel as I have one room in which to do this.

Looking for a HT processor that has a most excellent analogue 2 channel bypass with superb sonic qualities. Over 95% of what I do is music but I must appease the wife so as to not have a huge rack of gear. (much to my dismay) If possible would like multi zone but wouldn't have to be crucial. Since I am going with a good piece, would prefer the latest greatest software for video as well.

Currently have Dali MS4's which I am keeping as I think they sound awesome, Classe SSP25THX which is a nice piece but uses some older technologies, Meridian 506.20 CDP and a Sherbourn 7/2100 which I am only using 4 channels but will probably add the Dali center to go above my Pioneer Elite HD630 RPTV.

Any and all opinions would be greatly appreciated.

Good Listening,

Steve Bachman
Phoenix, AZ

Showing 1 response by jmcgrogan2


I never found a SSP that played music that well (Proceed, Classe, Krell, etc). I wound up getting a nice stereo preamp (BAT) that has a unity gain throughput. I then just use a Denon receiver for HT. The Denon drives the rears and center channels only. I take the FR & FL preamp outputs from the reciever in through the BAT inputs so that I can use my main audio speakers as my FR and FL in HT mode. 90% of my listening is to music, and I'm MUCH happier this way.

I hope this helps,
