Best new Liquid conductor technologies-Audio Magic

I now have compared and now own 2 of Audio magics new Liquid Air cables this new liquid conductor is the 1st True liquid conductor on the market I have the Sorcerers
which I did compare with many $1k interconnects and these cables are smooth at first you think a little laid back but not the case there is no metal in the conductor .All metal based cables have inherant high frequency ringing that comes out as distortion and pick up RFI Not so with these cables they take a solid 300 hrs just to start settling in.IN my main system I have the Illusions
I just want to report that the interconnects are breaking in very well I am hearing details in Beatles music and voices that were just a blur in other high end cables and voices sound true to life with exceptional timing and depth if instruments is exceptional even after 300 hours the Bass is exceptional and very articulate. I am told they will continue to improve ,it is hard to believe they can get better still, these liquid Illusion interconnects are the best new
cable technologies I know of.I can tell you briefly the speaker cables just increase the performance even better. A good description would be in a nutshell a very natural sounding signal . Check them out they have 4 different price groups even the entry level cable is better than anything in it's price group overall.

Showing 3 responses by dmailer

I am in the process of auditioning the Clairvoyant Liquid interconnects and am very impressed. They sound different from most other cables in that they do not have the distortion that most all cables seem to have. This is most noticeable on vocals which are very pure sounding with these cables. The other thing about these cables is tone. These hit the tone right on. No zing or other artifact going on here. They are also highly resolving and seem to bring out more detail than any previous cable I have had but doing so in a very natural way. I am currently using the very good Shindo interconnects and have used Valhalla, Stereovox and others. Musicality is my top priority and these are better than anything I have heard. Looks like I will be buying them.
Pani, which Audio Magic Liquid Air cable did you try as there are 4 levels of them. As I mentioned earlier in this thread I had auditioned the Clairvoyant Liquid Air IC,s and I did end up buying them. They outperformed my Shindo IC's by a fair amount. The thing I liked about the shindo cables was the tonal qualities were more real. Surprisingly I find that the Clairvoyant cables were a major step up from the shindo in this area. Images have more body at the same time having much more detail. Things like sax/trumpet and cymbals have a more real sound to me with this cable. Most other cables I have had add artifacts to the sound which may be mistaken for extension but is really not music.
Pani, given that you and your friend's assessment of the cables are so different than mine and others who have heard them can you let us know where you obtained the cables and the number of hours that were on them when you did the evaluation? As Jerry mentioned they require considerable break-in. It is possible that they did not have the proper break-in hours. Also did they come from an authorized dealer or were they bought from an unknown source.