Best Listening Room?

I am considering building an addition to my house, and figured I'd build a dedicated listening room while I am at it. So the question is, what is the best listening room one can reasonably build? Should it be square/rectangular or have tapered walls? Round corners? Should the ceiling/roof be high or low? Flat or angled? What is the best floor, wall and ceiling covering material? Etc etc... In other words: If you were to start from scratch, what would be the best room you could build?

Showing 2 responses by brianw

Positive Feedback is working on a series of articles about Winston Ma's listening room. I think somewhere around $300K was spent. It may share some ideas that can be utilized for much less. And, what is this stuff about walls on rollers? I hope that it is stable ...
I'm a building contractor. Of course the stable wall is on the outside. My concerns regard the ability of the "Wall on rollers" to not make noise or shake , rattle and roll during passages with extreme low frequencies. Ever hear one of those kids with 4 15 inch subwoofers in their car at the stoplight? That's where my concerns lie.