Best Integrated Amp (for me)

I recently upgraded to a Pro-Ject Classic turntable. I currently own KEF LS50 bookshelf speakers and a Nikko NR-719 tuner (from the 1980s).

I'm interested in upgrading to a better-quality (and nicer-looking) integrated amplifier to pair with my turntable and speakers. I love things that are really simple and classic-looking (but of course I also want it to sound great). I'm looking to spend somewhere between $500-$1000.

Any suggestions would be most appreciated!

I'm going to go ahead and suggest what I bought 2 years ago and it is still giving me great sound.

The Vincent SV-500 Hybrid Integrated. 

Simple looks in Black or Silver.

Slightly above your suggested budget but worth it in my opinion. 
The Lyngdorf TDAI 1120 is worth adding to your list. It has a phono input, analogue input, plus Internet radio and streaming AND Room Correction! It sounds fantastic for the money and will optimise the speakers for your room - no brainer 👍
Rotel A series, A-11, A-12 and A-14 are all nice afforable Integrated Amps. If you need digital inputs, the 12 and the 14 have 2ea of opt and coax. I believe the 11 has all rca inputs.
Plenty of good recommendations.  If you have a MM cartridge, consider the Heed Elixir.  Over budget, but you have good speakers and I would advise you not to cheap out too much or you will hear it.  My advice is to buy new so you have dealer support and warranty and spend a bit more to get something you will like a few years down the road. 
A little patience will be required if one isn't listed but look for a used, Rega Elex R.  That speaker likes a little power are needs about 70w of good quality current to sound great.  The Brio is a little shy of what you need in terms of power but will match brilliantly with the Kefs.