Best Class A Amp under $2,000 used?

Looking for a Class A Amp (USED) to join with a Wadia 321 DAC and Dali ms-4 speakers for digital sources.  Budget around $2,000.   What are some good possibilities in this range? 
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" Here's a pair of Aleph 2 monoblocks for $1,100"

Are you sure those amps are not counterfeit or prototypes? I had most of the Aleph's and none of them looked like the ones in the pic's.
My Krell which is a class a/b amp runs class a for 50w and my Vandersteens are 86db/1 w. Not being a headbanger with the volume control and with the size of my room I don't believe the amp has ever run above that point. I like the Pass Aleph 5 class a at 60w and those are below $2000 and should work great with your Dalis.
I would be fine with an amp that went into a/b mode after so many watts.  I'm assuming that it makes less difference after a certain volume level and would drive down cost.  Is that correct on both counts? What about specific models in the used 3 k range?  Any recommendations with the updated criteria? 
I'm pretty sure that there is no amp out there that runs Class A with 200 Wpc into 8 ohms as the amp would problably weigh over 200 pounds. For example, the old Classe CA-400  weighed 120 lbs and did 400 Wpc into 8 ohms & 800 Wpc into a 4 ohm load but it's Class A was the first 80 watts then it went into Class AB. The Classe CA-301  did 300 & 600 Wpc into 8 and 4 ohms but it's Class A was the first 60 watts before going into Class AB.  I know this because I owned both amps. I don't think any manufacturer would bother to make a amp with full Class A up to 200 watts or higher. If you want a great Class A amp, solid state, it's hard to beat Pass Labs.
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Class A at 250 watts is rather difficult to find at this price range. The issues you will face with this much Class A Power is  "Heat" your amplifier will generate and the electrical power required for such a setup, would probably mean you need a dedicated 20amp circuit to your listening room.

Agree, you’ll find class A/B with perhaps high bias design in this price range. Pure and exclusively class A high wattage for 2K dollars? Not very likely. 
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Never saw a true class A amp with that much power! They are limited to low power output! BTW, That Parasound is not class A.
@ puffbojie

Do you want an integrated, or a poweramp?
As the Wadia dac has a digital domain volume control so it can go direct into a poweramp.

If power amp, used Parasound Halo A21, "John Curl" design pedigree don’t come much better,usually go for around the $2k.
And it has gain controls on the back so you can set them so to use the Wadia’s volume at close to full, so there’s no chance of "bit stripping"

This ones only $911 at the moment, give it a whirl. and the seller has impeccable feedback.

Good review from HiFi News.;2350/10014

Cheers George
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Yes it is good question.  I want one silver in relatively good shape about 4-5 years old.  I'd like about 250 -300 watts.  
Pass Aleph 0s. It has a lot of power, so it should be able to drive just about any speaker. Next to my Krell 250, the Pass was a much better sounding amp in just about every way. The Krell did bass a little better.