best chinese tube amp under $1k?

i just placed an order for the Tekton M-Lore which are 95dB
i plan to use a peachtree idecco as a dac/pre and now looking to pickup a tube amp, i know the chinese tube amps represent excellent value so if someone could suggest one to me that'd be great
I'm unaware that Vietnam is producing quality audio gear. That does not surprise me since Vietnam is producing some of the best quality mainstream clothing!
Why would anyone go out of their way to buy a Chinese tube amp. If you think Chinese tube amplifiers represent good value, used Manley, VTL, Audio Research, Conrad Johnson and Quicksilver represent an even greater value.
People knock Jolida but I've had pretty good luck with them. I currently have a Jolida 102b that I picked up here on Agon a couple months back for $350. I previously owned a Jolida 302b and the little FX10. For near field listening (which is what I have to do since I have a desktop system) I really like the 102b. The FX10 was ok but I didn't care for it's looks. The 302b was also ok but seemed to be really bass shy. The 102b is the sweet spot IMO especially at the price I paid. Both the 102b and 302b seem pretty well built to me (the FX10 feels and looks cheaper). I also owned a VTL ST85 which gave me a lot of problems so I can't really recommend them though I did like their MB125 mono blocks driving maggies.
Eastern Electric ia a very nice sounding amp leaving money out of the equation.High Quality build as well.
Some of these amps made in China are a killer value and a DIY dream for mods. Fun stuff that sounds good for cheap.