best cd player to match Bryston 4bsst square ?

Im looking for a great cd player under 5gs to match with my bryston 4bsst2 along with bp 26 and totem winds. I curently have a equinox Moon and aint really happy with it. Any suggestions?
I did audition a ARC ref-5(I liked it a whole lot)I do use a
BP-26(I like alot)they are both really good,
but totally different in their presentations.
I'll probably keep the 26 and hopefully get a ref-5 come
winter.Nice to swap them out depending on the mood.
I use to think going to bars was pricey,I think audio is more
addictive and pricey.
For sure the ARC pre weighs heavy on my mind,A must have.
Usblues, i know your right about that and that will be my next step will be a pre from Audio Research.
Had Bryston for years and always needed a tube pre but thats just me,good luck,Bob
Interesting,as I have the 28s also in my setup and she sounds
great to me,perhaps we all hear differently,that other CDP was over 8000.00(not that price makes it)and I had wanted that one for over two years,but it was my ears that sold me on
it.Haven't looked back yet.
Happy huntin.
I had thought of the BCD-1 but wanted to know if anyone else had had better matches with other cd players. One of my friends has it matched with a 28b sst and he isnt over whelmed with it. Any other suggestions or comments would be greatly appreciated. And thx in advance for the above comments.
the Bryston BCD1 is a no-brainer on this. check the reviews. audition one and you'll be convinced.
Did you audition a BCD-1,believe it or not I preferred it over an AR,and that was the one I wanted for quite awhile.
I'd see if you could do a home audition.
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