Best CD of Diana Krall??

I have not heard anything of this beauty (I just saw her in pictures in cd). What cd(s) do you recommend me? I'd appreciate a lot your recomendations.
Thank u.

Showing 4 responses by kjg

My favorite is "When I Look Into Your Eyes", but its hard to go wrong with any of them.
On the song "When I Look In Your Eyes", not only is she very closely miked, but in the quietest parts, the mike mutes and background noise drops out entirely, only to pop back in when she starts to sing again. Its very disconcerting. Also, I think that the engineers bring her voice too far forward and the overall sound is unreal. I've noticed this with "Love Scenes" as well so it must be the preferred presentation. Still...I love her music.
Dekay -- I'm not sure she has that much to do with the audio problems on the CD. Both of the problems I described are strictly engineering/production issues. She should be able to sing her heart out however she wants to and the production staff ought to be able to make her sound great.

Really, I'm not sure that the sibilance on these CD's bothers me all that much (I don't have a terribly bright system), but the fact that her voice is way more dominant than the instruments is a bit annoying. I watched a concert of hers on one of the cable arts channels a few months back and was amazed at how much much more I enjoyed it over the CD's (TV fidelity issues aside). The balance between her voice and the instruments was much better and it made her sound fantastic.

Anyway, I love her voice and her music, so any imperfections in the acoustics of the CD's is easily overlooked. Still, if I could only have 2 minutes with the her engineers, I'd be a happy camper.
Dekay -- Ha! Your description is right on the money. Of course, now that you've planted that image in my head, I'll have a hard time listening to that song again without feeling like I'm about to be lunch ;-). Fortunately, I have tickets to see her in concert next month, which I'm hoping will replace this terrible imagry with something a bit more pleasant.

BTW - Do you (or anyone out there) know if that concert is available on video? I'd love to buy a copy if it is.
-- Ken