Best Buy Says Bye-Bye to DVDs

Best Buy announced recently they will stop selling DVDs/Blu-Rays in early 2024, so let's all give a big ho-hum. That will be my predicted response of the majority of people, and it's one they may regret down the line. Yeah, physical discs take up storage space and require another component to play them, but once you own one, it's yours to keep or do with as you wish. And I have yet to hear a streamed version of a movie that sounds as good as an actual disc. It's possible there could be a few exceptions to that statement, but I've never encountered one. I would assume that Best Buy will also stop carrying the players at some point, so any hard-core diehards may want to think about purchasing a spare before year's end.


Showing 1 response by soix

Other than the staunchest videophiles, who spins DVDs anymore? I don’t think I’ve touched one in 10 years or so. I get it — in many cases they may well sound/look better, but most people don’t care and are perfectly fine with streamed video. Yes, if I’ve sunk $10k+ in my home theater I’d spring for a DVD, but there just aren’t enough people out there to support that market when streaming video is perfectly fine for at least 95% of the population. It’s a totally understandable business decision, especially from a brick-n-mortar store perspective where each square foot of store space matters and needs to generate a profitable return that DVDs just can’t do anymore. Hopefully they’ll continue to be available through online merchants for some time to come, but as with audio and CDs it’s likely just a matter of time before increased bandwidth and technology will make spinning DVDs largely unnecessary. The times they are a changin’.