Best bookshelf/stand mount speakers

Hello everyone. I tried moving my speakers in the room several times and in different places, but still not able to achieve that "it" that everyone is chasing. Currenlty running a pair of Penaudio Serenades on a VAC PHI Beta integrated amp. All first class equipment (as much as I can afford) and was thinking on switching now to smaller form factor speakers to hopefully better compensate for my room deficiencies. I know that this is a whole different topic, but please stay with me for a minute on this one....
I was looking at the Magico Mini II, Q1s, or TAD Compact. Absolutely glorious sound, but unfortunatelly out of my league...
Can anyone please make a suggestion on something similar size and performance wise?
Thank you in advance for your help!

Showing 1 response by goldprintaudio

I'll second the Joseph Audio Pulsar suggestion above.

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