Best bookshelf speaker?

I am considering several bookshelf speakers, including Focal Sopra 1, Focal Kanta 1, Kef Reference 1, and the Bowers and Wilkins 705 S2 signatures. I would consider others as well.  Detail, clarity, and imaging are important to me. Any recommendations? 
“Best” in any audio equipment category is a very subjective unicorn Invariably, what gets posted here are the latest far-too-many options current biased faves. All are worthy options, but regrettably have no assurance of synergy with the OP’s undefined associated equipment.

IMO a necessary distilling down of the many possible models predicates the following adjustments

- first . A listing of what the associated equipment consists of,

- second. A better summary of budget ($9K-ish ...Y/N?) and consideration of possibly stretching it. Intuitively this also requires a decision between “new” versus accepting “preowned “ because there will a list of contenders versus pretenders at the various ascending $$$ strata.

audition 1 contender : “manageable” budget strata of $9K-ish new ....
= +1 for the REFERENCE 3a de CAPOs or their current model REFERENCE 3a REFLECTOR

Audition 2 contender for comparison: a true dragon-slayer “Best Of ...” but it sits in the top-price point-strata ... The incomparable RAIDHO D-1.1 stand included) ($25K new);... so look for them pre-owned. I have seen them voted as best of show at major audio fests.

+1 Pulsar, or Prism may be enough as well and save you some $$$.  Frankly, I’d suggest you try the LSA-10 Statement available on sale here new from manufacturer for $2499 with a 30-day trial period and save even more $$$.  I’d be surprised if you return them given what you’re looking for.  Best of luck.