best bi-wire cables for ref75se/vandersteen 2ci

I need to buy 12 foot bi-wire cables to connect a ref 75 SE amp to Vandersteen speakers. But what to buy?
All suggestions appreciated.
Vandersteen and AQ seem to be well matched. Audioconnection swears by them.
When I had Vandersteen speakers, I used Audioquest Indigo Blue speaker cables which were like the type 8 cables, only more wires within the cable.  The Indigo Blue had 8 positive wires, all solid core and 8 negative wires in one cable.  At the time (1995) that is the cable Richard Vandersteen  recommended to me for my speakers.
I use Audioquest Type 4 between 3A Sigs and an Ayre v5xe.  Works great and price is right.  My bi wire pair is terminated on one end with a single set of spades for easy amp hook up.
I think it depends on how much you want to spend?
Cerious Technologies Matrix speaker cable.
Atlas Mavros Speaker Cables.
HiDiamond 8 Speaker Cables.
Going to follow this topic.  For now, I am using Audioquest Gibraltar internal bi-wire cables for my Vandersteen 5A rig.  Haven't tried anything else yet, but these seem to work very well. AQ provides the smaller spade connectors necessary for the Vandy's.