Best bang for buck integrated amp for $500

Looking for best bang for buck amp for under $ 500.  I have triangle Bro 2 speakers already and cables and a dac.  So just looking at a amp.  Something in the 50-100 watt range, slightly on warm side of neutral, good low end, all the good stuff.

Right now i own the Emotiva basx A-100 its not bad i paid $199 but i want to step up my game.  Im kinda looking at Cambridge audio AXR100, a couple of yamahas, but wide open to suggestions ?


Showing 1 response by n80

I have the NAD 316 BEE. Got it used under $200. I got it  for down at my cabin for casual listening. An excellent unit. Simple. Plain. Well reviewed. Great sound stage even with a pair of equally modest Polk Audio towers. Use it all the time for casual listening but it is good enough for serious listening sessions as well and I use it that way all the time now too. Very rewarding.

So yes, explore the NAD line up.