Best Amp to Pair with Monitor Golds

Hi All, I bought some Monitor Audio Golds in 2014 for a 2-channel set up in our main room where we listen to music. The amp my dealer paired with it at the time, probably due to budget, was a Marantz SR7008. We are now re doing another room where we are going to have a home theater, so I’m going to move the Marantz in there (which is more what it is designed for anyway)  and upgrade the amp on the 2-channel system. My sense in listening to other systems over the past year is that I probably haven’t  even really heard these speakers’ potential yet, so I’m excited about the upgrade.

Over the past four years that I’ve been listening to the Golds I think they run a little bright in the mid to upper range and that the lower range is a little muddy, probably due to the Marantz. So I was thinking a neutral to slightly warm amp would be a good match.

Amps I have listened to or am considering :

NAD BEE series separates (have not heard)
NAD Masters separates (have not heard)
Musical Fidelity Nu-Vista 800 (have heard on Paradigm 8Fs - being offered at a great price)
Musical Fidelity M6si
Anthem STR
Classe CP800v1 / D200 separates (also at a great price)

I have spoken with several people who really love Luxman, and Bryston, but no dealers in my area who carry them. My understanding is that the Bryston is very detailed and controlled, but unforgiving without the right front end. Luxman very musical. 

I use a Bluesound Vault2 as my main source, though I have a Thorens turntable as well. 

Any thoughts from the group? Thank you in advance for your feedback.
I've lived with Tannoys now for around 29 of my 40+ years of being involved in audio. My first pair of Tannoys  were 12" MG's in home made (not very well made, at that), 3/4" plywood cabinets. My first amp was a pretty well-made 50 Wpc Kenwood integrated amp. I remember one day I was about a 1/4 mile away from my house, cutting wood. When I turned off my saw, I heard my Buddy Guy LP playing as clear as day (my roommate was playing it).

Since then, I have tried quite a few different amps. 60 Wpc Parasound, Solid State 300 Wpc Aragon, 35 Wpc VAC, 250 Wpc Plinius, Now using a 500 Wpc Class D Audio (two modules bridged to mono with upgraded power supplies) that came in a kit. In a very different amp topography, a 9 Wpc SET 300B amp that produces a very sweet sound, even in my large room.

So, Tannoy MG's can work very well with many different amps. You did not mention the size of your room, that would have an effect on what amp is right for your situation. My 12" HPD's seem to be bullet proof, at times they scare the bejesus out of me with their dynamic response on transients. I use the Class D amp about 75% of the time, and it overall is the best amp I've encountered for the HPD's. The SET amp I reserve mostly for listening to vinyl, it makes some special sounding music, too.

I know this seems to widen your choices a great deal, but it's a good thing, in that the MG's will mate well with many different amp choices. The amps that seem to stand out to me are the Aragon, Plinius, the Class D, and the SET300B.

I wish you success in finding what you need, but the odds are, you'll find what works best for you.

CYRUS .... both British built ...if not CYRUS, then stick with other UK offerings such as EXPOSURE, ROKSAN, LFD, REGA

ive heard them paired up with CYRUS several times at audio expos