Best amp for VonSchweikert VR5?

I had my system optimized for the VR4's before I had Albert upgrade them with new VR5 components (including new drivers, crossovers, wire). Now with the new parts including soft dome tweeters I seem to have lost some immediacy,definition and detail. I think my Plinius SA 100 is part of the problem, it seems to be a little soft in comparison to my old Sumo "The Nine". My system includes VSA VR5, Plinius SA-100, Melos MA-333, Sony SCD 777ES, Audiotruth Argent biwired, Purist Elementa, JPS Superconductor+. I listen to anything from Mozart to Metallica, with a HUGE interest in the BLUES. Albert has had good luck with the digital Bel Canto amps. Spectron,Rowland,Krell,GamuT,McCormack, may also be a consideration. Thanks for any input.

Showing 1 response by terry

Aloha from Hawaii:

I have the original VR4, and they are singing. I am running Unison Research Mystery Two preamp (Italian tube amp manufacturer, and their Smart 845 mono blocks. Amps are gorgeous, huge, and fantastic sounding. 25 watts per channel, single-ended. I consulted with Albert and with Prof. Sacchetti, the designer/founder of Unison Research, to make sure the amps would drive the speakers. They do, beautifully.

Sources: Nottingham Analogue Interspace turntable w/Benz Glider cartridge; also N.E.W. Ventura tube output CD player. CD player sounds better than any other I have heard, but nowhere close to analog turntable. Vinyl rules.

As for your lack of immediacy,definition and detail, I wonder: how long have you had the upgraded speakers operating? Perhaps they need to break in?

Let me know if you have any other questions about my system. You can email me at
