Best amp for VonSchweikert VR5?

I had my system optimized for the VR4's before I had Albert upgrade them with new VR5 components (including new drivers, crossovers, wire). Now with the new parts including soft dome tweeters I seem to have lost some immediacy,definition and detail. I think my Plinius SA 100 is part of the problem, it seems to be a little soft in comparison to my old Sumo "The Nine". My system includes VSA VR5, Plinius SA-100, Melos MA-333, Sony SCD 777ES, Audiotruth Argent biwired, Purist Elementa, JPS Superconductor+. I listen to anything from Mozart to Metallica, with a HUGE interest in the BLUES. Albert has had good luck with the digital Bel Canto amps. Spectron,Rowland,Krell,GamuT,McCormack, may also be a consideration. Thanks for any input.

Showing 2 responses by audionut22

I do not think break-in is the problem, I have had the VR4 to VR5 mod since early this spring and have played them many hours at loud volumes.
I recently replaced the Discovery +4 XLR interconnct between the Plinius amp and Melos preamp with JPS Superconductor+ RCA's. I have regained some much needed sparkle and dynamics. With the balanced Discovery I could not turn the volume past 8:00 because it was too loud. Now the JPS IC with RCA's doesn't get too loud until about 9:00. The balanced circuitry must have more gain. I also run the JPS superconductor+ IC between the Melos and Sony SCD777ES with good results.If I change amps now it may be for the Plinius SA250 for more balls.Can anyone recommend any aftermarket power cords for my electronics?Plinius SA 100Melos MA333Sony SCD777ESEAD DSP 7000 DACThank you for your time.