Best amp for Sonus Faber Cremona

I’ve recently acquired some Sonus Faber Cremona floor standing speakers and would like some recommendations for separates or integrated amps. Since these speakers are 14 years old all the write ups I can find are that old as well. Hoping for some current recommendations under $15k new or used. Room is 16x21 treated and speakers are 4ohm 91db. Please only reply if you have heard these actual speakers as they sound different than the newer lines of Sonus Faber.



Ref 75se is very powerful. For tube power amplifier, how powerful are they? Don't see the specs,you better try and see.

I have VT100 mkiii at the same time, but ref 75se go over by far.

Yes definitely. They are 90db… I am actually driving my Sonus Faber Amati Traditional (90db) with my Audio Research Reference 160s in triode mode (75 wpc). I had a guy come over and turn them up louder than I would ever even consider listening to music… they sounded amazing… although too loud for me, ever.

I also looking at Sonus Faber Cremona. tho I have the ARC Ref 75 se ...

do you guys think its enough power to drive them properly??

I would look at

BAT VK-255SE, or VK-90T.

Pathos Heritage

Constellation Inspiration 

BorderPatrol P21 EXD


I bought a set of Cremona about ten years ago as an experiment to determine if the sound I had thought I heard in a showroom was what Sonus Faber sounded like. It was. They lasted two weeks when I ordered a pair of Olympica 3. Not say ing anything bad about the Cremona… I have a big room and was thinking of changing direction from planar speakers and massive amps.

This was a real turning point for me… for the better. I had a Pass x350 at the time. But piece by piece I moved to Audio Research and up the Sonus Faber lines. So, my system is now all Sonus Faber, Audio Research, and Transparent interconnect and cables. The most musical, detailed, quietest system I have ever heard.


You want pairing? Go for the ARC integrated, DAC, and a Aurender streamer. Buy used if required. I can’t tell you how happy this grouping of brands has made me. (Click on user I’d to see my system).

When I was at Sumiko in 2008-ish for a class, they used Pass Labs for amplification on all the big speakers, like their Strads, Elipsa's and the like.