Best amp for N803 +htm1? ?

I'm upgrading my HT system, selling CDM9NT/CDMCNT combo for N803/HTM1 combo. Have existing side surrounds but will eventually upgrade to DS7's (DS8 too big). However, I will also be using this system for critical 2 channel music, and I don't think my Pioneer vsx49tx HT rcvr is going to get the best out of these spkrs, although rated at 130wpc @ 8ohms into 7 channels running (not 2 chnl rating, so it's got 7 chnl juice). So the question is, using the pioneer pre outs, whats the best 2 chnl amp to match with these 803's, and should I consider a 3 chnl amp to include the HTM1?
A few other points: I may have an audio cabinet size/height constraint, so i will probably need a slightly low profile chassis (depth/width no problem). I need to move DVD/CD player on top of the pioneer rcvr (is that BAD? Doesn't run too hot, and probably much less so with outboard amp for front 2 or 3 chnls, but will heat from rcvr affect dvd/cd player?). If I do this, I gain a shelf with 6-7 inches (open front/back for ventilation).

So, in short, best 2-3 channel amp at no higher than 6-6.5inches high for N803/HTM1. Can be used if better value exists, as it usually does.
Thanks for your help
I have Nautilus 802's and I think they go really well with Mark Levinson. I have been using a no. 335 with mine for about 6 years. I'' be selling my no. 335 before too long as I'm going to upgrade my entire system.
I just revised in order to put cap on $. Looking for best amp (preferrably low profile) under 3k used or new.
IMHO the area that needed an upgrade was the front end and amplification. CDM series is a very nice speaker. I own Nautilus 804 / HTM 2 myself. Nautilus is better looking and sounding than CDM, but I would have spent the money on the front end, pre/pro and amplification still.

Anyways, for 3k used I would buy Pass Labs X series, possibly X3 and X150. Move up to X.5 series if the budget allows.
The 803's and the HTM1 are here!!! Sounds great, but I know I can do better. Jylee, I can't agree with that assessment. The 803's blow away the cdm9nt, and I don't think any amount of front end or amp upgrade can make as much difference as speaker upgrade. But, as Dennis Miller says, that's just my opinion, I could be wrong. I am now researching and have thrown integrated amps into the game. I am leaning towards McIntosh and possibly Cayin, although I like what I've heard about Plinius and EAR. Levinson stuff has had some great press, but also mixed consumer reviews relative to other stuff in same cost range.
I used a Parasound HCA-2205A that I currently have for sale, and it drove mine beautifully.