Best $500 amp to drive Paradigm Studio 100 V2s?

Hi all - first post here (I think?) Joined a while ago but have been a bystander until now.

I may be acquiring these speakers and I don't think my pair of 70 wpc B&K ST-140s will do them justice. Correct? I hear they really need a lot of power. Would be nice if I were wrong, as I am very happy with them.

Don't really want to spend too much more than $500. Looking for used (as always!)—Bryston 4B (the plain ol' 4B—all the others are $$$!), Anthem MCA 20, maybe NAD? Or... ?

Does anyone know exactly how much power the Studio 100s should have? I realize this may be subjective; I can't find an actual number mentioned anywhere despite combing the internets. North of 100 watts per 8ohms is what it seems like.

Any advice appreciated. The B&Ks are the only separates I've ever owned, so I am pretty much a total newbie to other makes. Open to integrated suggestions as well. Or, would be curious to hear what a good preamp (<$300) pairing would be with whatever amp is suggested (my Adcom GTP-500II is on its last legs).

Those speakers have a 91 db sensitivity rating, 70 watts is
plenty. Spend the $500 bucks on something else!
IF you can find a pair, the Red Dragon M500's should be close to that price used and would be an excellent choice in a modern, class D amp

I also agree with the passive suggestion ... there are some great ones available on the used market from time to time ... Reference Line Preeminence being one of my favs. I may have a passive sitting around the house somewhere if you are interested in trying one out in your system (contact me direct)
Thank you all for your input -- I'm going to give them a try with my current amps, will be great if that works out. More money for a passive preamp maybe. Just read up on them a bit, sounds like my kind of approach.

If not though - the Crown and Red Dragon will be getting my attention. It's a large room -- about 1,000 sq. ft., not all dedicated to listening of course ha -- but unfortunately I can't crank it crazy loud very often.

One question -- just discovered that though they look identical, one of my amps is 70 wpc and one is 105 wpc. In this case, would it be safe to horizontally bi-amp, running the more powerful amp to the bass/mids? Or if you think bi-amping is a waste of time please say so. I'll probably at least try it though, provided it is safe to, since I have the necessary gear.
Has anyone compared a Crown amp to a QSC? There was a lot of talk a few months back on how suitable pro gear was for home audio use. Out of curiosity, I bought a QSC pro amp to try. I chose that one because it was a traditional design, not Class D like the Crown. I don't have anywhere near the amount of experience with Class D as I do with a traditional design, so I thought the QSC would make for a more fair comparison. Since I never heard the Crown, I was wondering if anyone tried them both?