Can't precisely answer your question but I can get close. I have a low-output Ebony (S version) and high out-put mono Wood (pre-S-version), which I use on a Phantom II. The Ebony is clearly more refined and balanced through the frequency range, with better bass and micro-detail and dimensionality. It has a slight lift in the HF but it's a very good cartridge. Sometimes, on some LPs, I prefer it to my A90. The HO Wood mono is relatively thinner in sound, less nuanced, and more tilted upward. It's an okay cartridge but not in the same league.
Of course, for a variety of reasons, these two cartridges are not directly comparable. Nonetheless, one may extrapolate. Based on my experience of the HO mono Wood, I probably wouldn't buy a LO stereo Wood, even the newer S-version, especially after listening to the Ebony.
Of course, for a variety of reasons, these two cartridges are not directly comparable. Nonetheless, one may extrapolate. Based on my experience of the HO mono Wood, I probably wouldn't buy a LO stereo Wood, even the newer S-version, especially after listening to the Ebony.