Benfits of upgraded connectors

I've been looking into upgrading/changing my ic's and of course have noticed that many mfg's offer and charge for "premium" connectors.
Is there a sonic benefit with these connectors? For example, will an upgraded Cardas connector sound better than a standard RCA connector on the same cable?

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A sonic benefit? Depends on the quality of your System.
The AES (Audio Eng. Society) has made the Standards for the ability of signal transfer
90.4= Gold
...and so on, there are also some very low numbers available.
Anyway, no matter what you like or hate, Silver can carry 6% more information than any other material.
When you use gold connectors (pure wire or similar) your loss only based on this will be more than 15%.
When we check the materials in most High End units, in general there is very low number material used (=cheap, like mixtures with brass for example, these will be "improved" with Gold plating). Based on this, it is pretty normal, that most users can't hear any difference when they do a "comparison". the reason is found mainly in these inferior parts which are used. When only AES Standard from 60 is used, what do you expect?
A Signal can't be improved, all you can do is to keep it as good as possible.
Is this the secret to get better sound?
Who knows? I think, Yes, but only when done right.