Belles Aria Signature and other Int Amp recommendation

While searching for an Integrated Amp to go with my new Ascend Acoustics Sierra Tower speakers that I ordered, one Int Amp pique my interest is the Belles Aria Signature.  Although, not too much information on the Internet, but the few I did see seems to be all positive


One of the key things caught my attention is the use of MOSFET output devices, where both MOSFETs and vacuum tubes are both voltage controlled devices and their transfer functions are similar as well.  My limited experience with MOSFETs impart a tube-like sound with the low-end grunt of amps using bi-polar transistors.  If implements well, it is the best of both worlds, and I hope to get some inputs from people having more experience.


Meanwhile, I am also hope to have some recommendations on other SS Int Amps that is in the similar price range as Belles Aria Signature and see what I can do to arrange some audition.




Showing 2 responses by twoleftears

The Signature is a very different integrated to the regular Aria.  You can't transfer any impressions of one to the other.

I agree that it would be best to have a chat with Johnny R.

I've heard both, and I found the Signature more muscular and energetic than the regular, no doubt due to its increased power supply.  At the same time, I found it a little less sweet or delicate than the regular, though admittedly the Sig wasn't fully broken in.

My point remains.  Some manufacturers make a "signature" version of a product, but what that really means can vary considerably.  Gold plated connectors, better wire, costier caps, or whatever.  The Aria Signature is substantially re-engineered, though retaining some of the original DNA of the regular.