Belles Amp - REL Stereo Subs

Would like to confirm if a Belles 350a Reference amplifier is a "Differential Amplifier" or not. Planning to add stereo REL subs using the High Level speaker outputs to the REL's and REL has specific wiring arrangement for "Differential" amplifiers vs non-differential amplifiers. Having tried several times I have not received a response to this questions from Belles [Power Modules]. Any information would be much appreciated.




Or, PM Johnny Rutan (Audioconnection), 

He sells Belles and knows just about everything there is to know stereo-wise.


I have the Belles SA100 and a pair of REL t7i. No issues. I wouldn't imagine you'd have any issues. There's a bit of digging but you can probably find it online, David Belles answered the phone after two rings last I called.