Bel canto monoblocks and power cables

For those, like me, who believe power cables make a difference: anyone with experience with bel canto amps and power cables. I use Nordost Vishnu with all of my source equipment and hear significant improvement.  With my BC ref 500m monoblocks, which I love and which sound so good, power cable swaps don’t seem to make a difference.   I’ve tried Nordost and Acoustic Zen Tsunamis. They don’t degrade the sound but there doesn’t seem to be much benefit either.  Anyone?

Showing 2 responses by williewonka

@thomaswv - Like you, I found good PC’s on my NAIM amp did not make an immediate noticeable difference - I had to find the right track that made the improvements more noticeable.

Those improvements are the micro details of the venue acoustics - now I know what improvement power cables make it is easy to hear and noticeable when you change back to a cable of a lessor ability.

I use the following DIY cables that I have compared to a few high priced products and found the others lacked the bass dynamics (slam) and very fine details of these

Check them out - despite their apparent complexity, they are pretty easy to build

Regards - Steve
@tomaswv  - listen for the venue acoustics in a live recording, such as a classical piece - preferably with 4-6 instrumentalists.

You should hear more echoes and reverberations and background noise.
e.g. in one recording I can now clearly hear trucks in the background.

With standard power cables it will be less pronounced

Good luck with your quest - Steve