Bass lovers - Bela Fleck - Flight of the Cosmic Hippo

I admit I am a little slow - this was released in 1991, so many of you are already familiar with this band/recording and possibly have worn this album out, but while I have heard the name of this band before, I have never heard them before. Bela Fleck and the Flecktones is the complete band name, just to not offend the supporting bandmates :) 

Thanks to Roon radio this track came on, and I immediately perked up and took notice to the wonderful deep rich bass coming from a fretless bass! 

So if you are not aware of this recording, and love deep bass, this is a track you'll love- the whole instrumental album is pretty good. I don't see a high res option in Qobuz but the redbook sounds just fine :) I guess I would call this music jazz? 


Showing 2 responses by larsman

@minkwelder - thank you for that correction; been a long time since I've seen or listened to them. Yeah, Victor is an amazing bassist, and I didn't realize he was FutureMan's brother - I love that instrument that FutureMan plays!!