Balanced cables/Pass gear

I have a Pass INT-150. I have 3 things to input- a Magnum Dynalab Tuner, Pass XP15 phono preamp, and W4S DAC. Each have balanced outputs, but the INT-150 only has 2 balanced inputs. Decided to run balanced from my XP-15 and W4S DAC and go single ended from my tuner. My speakers are wired with AP Oval 9.

I am still experimenting with balanced IC's. I have the following on hand: Mogami Gold, Audience Conductor, Harmonic Technology Pro Silway II.

Does it matter- ie, mix and match these balanced ICs OK? Or should I standardize on one? If so. Which one? Or for you Pass owners, what do you suggest? So something I don't have at all?
I agree with Zd542, it is perfectly alright to use different interconnects regardless if they are single ended or balanced.
Remember that each pair of interconnects will most likely give you a slightly different sound therefore you have to try them in different locations to determine that you like best.
I'm not personally familiar with the interconnects that you have but from reading past reviews I'm sure they all perform well.
Enjoy trying the different combinations to determine your preference.
"Does it matter- ie, mix and match these balanced ICs OK? Or should I standardize on one? If so. Which one? Or for you Pass owners, what do you suggest? So something I don't have at all?"

You can definately mix balanced IC's just like you would SE cables. The one thing you do have to be careful of is to make sure the cables are balanced internally, and not just have xlr connectors.