B & W DM 7 MK2

I can buy a pair of B & W DM7 MK2 speakers for $200. 

Does any one have any advise if this is a good purchase?

I realize the speakers are over 20 years but appear to be in good condition.  I like to listen to 80's music.

Thank you
Ag insider logo xs@2xlouis94901
"...I realize the speakers are over 20 years but appear to be in good condition. I like to listen to 80's music..."

You need 40 year old speakers to listen to 80s music. 20 year old speakers will miss the entire New Wave sound.....
excellent speakers in their day

rich sound with a smooth top end

built like tanks too

listen to them before buying, at various volumes -- make sure drivers and cross-overs are ok, nothing cracked rotten or otherwise needing refurb or replacement

old european high end speakers can be like old german cars if you are not careful -- buy 'em cheap, then spend 2-5x more getting them fixed so they work properly
Price seems very reasonable.  It's a good purchase if you like the way they sound.  
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