AZ MC2 digital cable

I’ve been using an Apogee Wydeye digital cable happily for many years thinking it was a well-designed and fine cable.  But, I recently bought an Acoustic Zen MC2 digital cable and, holy mother of crap!!!  Everything popped in all dimensions and sounded mor natural and organic.  Why didn’t I do this sooner cause I’m already using AZ Silver Ref2 interconnects and Satori Shotgun biwire speaker cables already?  But this upgrade to the MC2 is absolutely amazing!!!  If you’re using a generic or other budget digital cable I’d HIGHLY recommend giving this digital cable an audition!!!  Holy crap!!!


Showing 1 response by soix

I then, at that point, changed to the MC2 and stressed to hear a distinction.

@zmirlsa A distinction as compared to what? What is the “Bolder?” I don’t understand any of this post.  What’s the rest of the equipment in your system?