Ayre VX-5 vs. darTZeel NHB-108

Has anyone heard both and can compare them?  Or heard one and can describe it?
I'm using very linear mono tube amps now

Don't need a lot of power.  Speakers are 88 db/w/m.
Have several amps in my system. My darTZeel amp is a decision I have never regretted . As Jtinn mention you really have to hear it to make a proper decision. Worth the effort.

It's a very cool amp, not better than my tube amps in my system however as I had hoped.  It has a very unique combo sound, partly tube and partly SS.  It made everything sound great, yet a little more so than what I have now ... Cary 211FE with a lot of upgraded caps and tubes and such.  I'm dialed in, there is nothing better.
Brian, how did you make out on finding the right piece for you system? I ask because the in reading about the  DarTZeel has me intrigued. I also looked on HIFi Shark to get a baseline on what they’ve sold for used, I guess you might have found one and didn’t like it as there was someone with the same name that sold one. Assuming that was you, can you share your impressions why that didn’t work out, did you find something better?
apdoc2004: I was actually talking about the MXR monos which were traded in for the NHB-108 along with the matching pre.

You stated: "Since I have not personally owned the darTZeel amp in question, I will not comment on its build quality (unlike the darTZeel importer who did not waste anytime denigrating the Ayre amp which is much cheaper than the darTZeel in question)."

Please show me where I denigrated the Ayre amps? Because I said the darTZeel was better? Really? So sensitive.
I have an all Ayre system....amp, preamp, CD, .....all worked perfectly out of the shipping box about 8 years ago, and remains the same today. Their upgrade service is wonderful. I have experience with many brands, but this was the most trouble free and musically satisfying. You should listen to all brands and bring home the one that touches you. Be sure to listen to the Ayre in fully balanced mode.....it sounds even better than single ended.
This is not a fair comparison. The darTZeel NHB 108 should be compared to the Ayre MXR 20 monoblocks (in price). The build quality of Ayre MXR 20s is top notch. Since I have not personally owned the darTZeel amp in question, I will not comment on its build quality (unlike the darTZeel importer who did not waste anytime denigrating the Ayre amp which is much cheaper than the darTZeel in question).
There is an organic, natural sound presented by the darTZeel. It is very lifelike with super clarity. While the Ayre is decent, it really is not a fair comparison. The Ayre will do a better job with speakers that have extremely difficult loads.

If you have never heard the darTZeel, you really should. You will be hooked.
As the importer of darTZeel you could say I am biased, but aren't we all  once we hear something or own something? That being said, having had a great deal of experience with Ayre, I assure you there really is no comparison.  When it comes to sonics and build quality the darTZeel is easily the superior. Not close.