Ayre QX-5 vs Lumin vs dCS Bartok

Of these 3, which would you go with?  Building out a new system with Roon and one of these as the digital hub.  I like the Ayre AX-5, and am leaning towards the QX-5 as a matching component.  However, the others seem a step above, please share your thoughts.  Thanks.
as above, if you are searching for a musically rich tone, look no further than the QX-5.
Happy Listening!
Funny thing is that I don't know anyone who have heard the QX5/20 not enjoy it and feel that it punches well beyond it's price range.  There is a reason that Ayre is taking it's time with a reference DAC.  
Thanks everyone.  Purchased the QX5/20 and have it on order.  No looking back, this should be great sound.
I use Roon via ethernet to my QX-5/20, with balanced analog to a KX-5/20 preamp and VX-5/20 amp. Of course the sound is great, but just clicking play on my computer and watching the AyreLink turn everything on is a fascinating convenience. A DX-5 DSD handles Blu-ray. I’m hooked on the Ayre sound, or perhaps the absence of it that results in transparency.


Recently, at my local high end audio shop, I got a chance to have an extensive audition of both the Ayre QX-5 Twenty and the DCS Bartok DACs, in the same room, and in then same great, ultra high end  system.  This audio shop is an authorized dealer for both brands.  And, I must tell you, as great as the Bartok was, the QX-5 Twenty was right there.  Overall, to my ears, the Bartok may have been just a smidge better, maybe.  But, for my money, it was a no brainer, I end up purchasing the Ayre QX-5 Twenty and I'm as happy as a clam.  There are many outstanding DACs on the market today, in various price ranges.  The mission is to find the one that you love best.