Ayre C7xe integrated vs AR VSi55 with Proac D25 sp

I have the Ayre now but want a little more tube sound. I'm using Kimber monocle XL for speaker cables. Does anyone have experience with this combination or an alternative integrated in the price range?

Thanks Jim Ashbook
I don't know if the AR will give much "type-like" sound. Of the units I have heard from AR, in my opinion they actually sound less like tubes. That's just my impression and some may very well consider this as a glaring stereotype. If you're looking for tube warmth and musicality I would look at Cary, Conrad Johnson, and dare I say McIntosh... If you really want to go with AR, I would look at their integrated that came before the Vi-55, I think it was called the CA-50? From what I understand that particular model was more tube-like. Also, in solid state, take a look at plinius...
I'm using Cardas golden presence as an interconnect after trying kimber select and harmonix gs 101s. I had an all vac tube arrangement before the ayre and while I did gain presence and dimensionality with the ayre I miss the ahhh feeling the vac often provided. I'm not sure what that is but I just added a Cayin tube set headphone amp to go with my akg 701 headphones and found the ahh factor in spades. I don't how to translate that into an audio term but I guess i would call it musicallity. Thanks for your post. Jim
I'm using the same amp in balanced mode with Neutral Reference interconnects and the sound is phenomenal -- really world class, in my opinion.

Maybe try Cardas? There are other amps that have a warmer sound, but I can't think of another that has the same level of presence. If presence and dimensionality is what you mean by a tube sound then it doesn't get much better than the Ayre with solid state.
Are you using the Ayre in balanced mode?
Does your CD/SACD input come from an XLR player?
The word on the street (wots?) is that this integrated
only shines as part of a balanced system.

Hi Jim,

I' not sure what the prices are of the two units you have identified, but I would be very surprised if you liked anything better than this:


I have been using a Gamut 200 MKII for some time, and don't think you can do much better.

Good luck in your search,
