AXPONA Schaumburg - Which Analog products are you hoping to hear at the show?


I'm wondering if any of our forum members will be attending AXPNA in Schaumburg,IL this April and if so.....

Which turntables, tonearms, phono stages are you hoping to be able to hear at the show?

Best wishes,




Thank you!  I have you on my list and am looking forward to meeting you in person 😊. I’ve always appreciated your contributions on the forums 👍

Best wishes,


Please consider yourself invited to visit room 550!


I'll have a TW Acustic Raven GT2 turntable, TW Acustic Raven 10.5 tonearm, Stein Music Aventurin 6 cartridge, and a Konus Audio Vinyle 3000MC phono preamplifier in the system.

Yes I will be there. Maybe the new PrimaLuna Phono stage. That's a new produvt.