AXPONA 2017 Protocol

I need some wisdom from this community. I'm attending AXPONA for the first time on Saturday, April 22. I specifically want to hear a selection of certain speakers in order to narrow down what I plan on auditioning in my home. So, is it encouraged or frowned upon to bring a USB with various musical selections on it and ask for the USB to play through the systems being demonstrated? Also do any serious price negotiations occur at AXPONA, or is that expected to happen at a later time in a more private setting? Finally, I would appreciate hearing from veteran attenders the absolute one thing I must experience on my one and only day and also the one thing I should not waste my time with at the show.
I look forward to your insights and advice.   
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Showing 2 responses by bugredmachine

Most vendors want to play your music to satisfy you but also don't know if you are pulling out some heavy metal that will clear the room. So tell them what you have or ask if they have such and such.
A memory stick is very handy and should be accommodated. Ask for a late night demo, like just after the show hours, before it gets too late, and you could get a one on one with the speakers.
I'll be volunteering in a room you will probably not target but I would play your music for you and I know the participants in the room want to satisfy you as best they can.
As mentioned above, also check out the big Salk room where they would definitely accommodate you (lower level bottom of escalator).
And I forgot to mention that if you put Shazam on your phone you will be prepared when you hear some music you like to capture it right away. I get some of my best music by going to shows since gear sounding its best means good tracks.