AXPONA 2017 Protocol

I need some wisdom from this community. I'm attending AXPONA for the first time on Saturday, April 22. I specifically want to hear a selection of certain speakers in order to narrow down what I plan on auditioning in my home. So, is it encouraged or frowned upon to bring a USB with various musical selections on it and ask for the USB to play through the systems being demonstrated? Also do any serious price negotiations occur at AXPONA, or is that expected to happen at a later time in a more private setting? Finally, I would appreciate hearing from veteran attenders the absolute one thing I must experience on my one and only day and also the one thing I should not waste my time with at the show.
I look forward to your insights and advice.   
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Showing 1 response by avanti1960

One thing about Axpona is that it is often difficult to find the specific model you are looking to demo.  Dealers do not like to lug so much hardware and the rooms are small to begin with.  Even dealers that have multiple rooms still select only a few models of speakers to display.   Unfortunately I doubt that you will find a single speaker on your list.  
Jeff Joseph usually has his own demo material but might allow you to try something off hours.  Last year his demo speakers were the Profile model.    
A dealer in Woodridge, IL (Holm Audio, 1/2 hr from AXPONA) is a Joseph Audio dealer but I do not think they have the Perspectives.   They do however carry a wide line of PSB speakers.   
Saturday Audio in Chicago is a Monitor Audio dealer and they are willing to set up any speaker in their stock for you to demo.  
All this is not to say you should avoid going, it is a great experience and you get to hear a wide range of products, get familiar with the different "sounds" and products, some of which may surprise you.  
I have gone a few years now and was disappointed at  the limited models available for demo.  But I did hear Harbeth speakers at the Vinnie Rossi room and knew I had to have them.  I went for a demo at Decibel Audio in downtown Chicago and bought a pair.   Based on the speakers on 
Good luck!