AXPONA 2011 Atlanta reports/thoughts?

This was my first show......I really enjoyed checking out all the gear. I was really impressed with the sound in the Scaena room as well as the MBL room.
I know this has been probably been discussed before, but someone really needs to tell all these sponsors, distributors, and people to LIGHTEN UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There were times that I didn't even feel welcome in certain rooms. In this economy, if I want to listen to one of my tunes on a $60,000 pair of loudspeakers, you should damn well roll out the red carpet. I understand "screening" tracks so no one plays gangster rap or 2 Live Crew or something that's offensive, but don't give me the third degree about whether or not my song will make your speakers sound good. Thoughts?

Showing 6 responses by audioguy3107

There were a lot of nice exhibitors as well last weekend at AXPONA. I'd say the Wharfdale guys, the Napa audio room (extremely friendly), the Adams folks, and the guy in the Lansche Audio room were some of the best. Even the YG Acoustics guy was really friendly and played a couple of things for me as well. It really is about the "atmosphere" of some of the kind of felt that you were bothering them if you were checking out their gear.

I guess its just goes back to some of the problems with the high end industry as a whole and why many brick and mortar retailers haven't survived the last 5 years or so.
I talked to the MBL guys for awhile and they were really nice and hospitable. I think the coolest thing for me this weekend was getting him to play a Widespread Panic song on the aforementioned $260,000 system. Don't hear that every day. Played "Clinic Cynic" off their new album, a fantastic melodic "jangly" southern rock tune with great guitar play. Sounded really cool. Also played the same song in the Lansche Audio room on their $42,000 speakers with the plasma tweeter. Yikes, hope it was the room/setup but sounded rather awful.

While overall the exhibitors were nice enough, I just think that someone needs to do a training seminar weekend to teach these people how to talk to their potential clients. For example, if I was running a room with a couple of systems, and I saw a guy and his wife walk in with some music who may be interested, say hey, strike up a conversation......where you from, what do you do, what do you listen to now, how'd you get into audio, etc etc. (normal conversation). I'd almost demand them to bring something in he/she would like to hear so they could check it out. Ask them what they like/dislike and compare to what other products they've heard. All those kinds of things would make a show like this much more fun. In several rooms it just felt like you were walking into a solemn church service. This is supposed to be a fun hobby!!!! I absolutely guarantee that anyone who took that approach would instantly get great press and word of mouth......"hey, make sure you go check out X room, those guys were super nice, wanted to play you stuff, talked to us for awhile." I think that would be a real positive for any exhibitor to take that approach.
We were in the MBL room as well during the Gabriel song! I thought the heavy metal track they played a couple of songs later was a little overpowering, but hey, you couldn't argue with the dynamics, that's for sure. My wife and I both listened to the big Adams with our own music. I'm sure the room was probably too small for them to open up, but I didn't particularly like them, I thought they sounded a little harsh to my ears, especially when I found out they retailed for $31000.

Meadowman: Am I right in seeing that the ML speakers are $100G a pair? If so, I'll keep my Avalons thank you very much.
Your wife bought the Carmels right there on the spot? That's unbelievably awesome. Looks like you got a keeper!!!
I don't think I saw any Polk Audio products. Closest thing to mass market I saw was some Marantz components, but that's about it.
Hi Jedinite.......I would still go, it was a lot of fun if you like the gear, and many of the exhibitors were great. This is only my opinion, but this is a trade show, not a retail store. If I go to the Atlanta Journal Auto show and look at a Porsche, they don't expect me to buy, it's a show for cryin' out loud. I'd go and have fun...of course I doubt anyone will let you sit there for 30 minutes to listen to what you brought since they have to appeal to a lot of different show goers. I thought it was pretty well done here in Atlanta.