Aurender A200 vs N200

I have a great turntable and analog system and I am now studying the addition of digital to my system. I will be adding streaming. I like the Aurender line of streamers and have narrowed it down to an A200 or the N200. Has anyone on this forum done any critical listening to compare the A200 vs the N200? If so, what differences did you note?

My plan is to initially use the DAC in my McIntosh C2600, and then to later add a high end DAC to my system, so I only want to focus on the streamer performance at this point.

Does anyone have first-hand experience with the A200 vs N200 sound quality?


Showing 1 response by jmrrobbie1

I m also looking to finalize my digital path...currently using the Bluesound Node which is surprising decent in my system. This will be the last part to finalize my not want to upgrade and done purchase. A new N200 is going for $6,300 at most audio retailers...what would be a matching outboard DAC at the same price point = to keep entire system with interconnects under $15k?  Looking at the big picture - why not the A30 (new $19k); a one box system very well designed, I think the one hit is ability to backup files, newer versions Roon ready too??:

Analog Output Network Player
MQA Full-Decoder DAC / Headphone Amplifier
CD Ripper / Music Library Manager / 10TB HDD Storage
Variable-Output Balanced XLR and Single-Ended RCA Analog Outputs
USB Digital Output / Coaxial and Optical Digital InputsLinear Power Supply with Integrated UPS 

FPGA-Based Precision Clock

upsampling non-DSD files up to 705.6/768kHz to the analog outputs. Or leave upsampling off (default setting) for an untouched bitstream.

I understand seperates in the digital chain are superior in several areas, including ease to upgrade one section later(DAC), but for a one box system (A30) compared to a N200 with match-capable DAC seems like a better bang for money spent...

Thoughts and insight appreciated,