Aurenda and Tidal and Qobuz connect

Cannot get these to work on my aurenda n100, thatbisvi cannot access the day by way of their apps, though I can access tidal and qobuz by way of Composer. Spotify Connect works. 

I have tried everything I have seen suggested: reboot, reinstall, delete cache.


Any suggestions?

Ag insider logo xs@2xasamuelson
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Huh? Conductor is the way to access native Qobuz. This way conductor controls the Aurrender.

If you are trying to access the Qobuz app on the iPad and stream from that… you don’t want to do that. If you could manage, you will basically be using your iPad as a streamer.

If I interrupt your post correctly.

We are Aurender dealers. Agreed with @tvad on their support. It is excellent. If it helps here is a link to the information they will need when you contact them. They may remote in and configure a fix for you, and get you up and running in no time.

Good luck!

Choice Audio