
Responses from choiceaudio

The DAC Scam - Almost everyone believes the hype
I quit watching after he mentioned his free plug-ins. Seems like he is just using controversy to try to improve his rankings to sell his own products.  
The End of My Search for a Power Conditioner
@vze2r8xz   I always wondered why I had different results with different brands of conditioners over the years.  About three years ago I watched a video of Caelin Gabriel of Shunyata explain why there maybe inconsistencies among power conditioners... 
Will Accuphase E-800 be enough to power Klipsch La Scala speakers?
We recently got an E800 in our demo room. It can power any speaker we sell with aplomb. It will definitely power a La Scala, I don't think you will have the volume past level 1.  Very warm, musical, with a sweetness to it, and build quality (as a... 
Anyone upgrade to the Merason Dac1 mkii?
@agisthos  Just noticed your post and sent your questions into the manufacturer.   Here is there response:  "no summing via opamp or other means.  The RCA outputs correspond to the hot conductor of the balanced signal" Hope that helps!   Cheers... 
Puritan psm156 vs Bryston bit20/torus rm20 ?
Hi, We have not.  For what its worth, we have had two clients recently trade in their Puritan PSM156 for the Shunyata Research Gemini Model-8.   They both did their own A/B trial and ended up trading in their Puritan for the Gemini-8.   Cheers!  
An Excellent (Moderately priced) tube integrated for QLN prestige 3 Speakers
Axpona 2023   The Qualiton A75 with the KT-150 tubes is a really good match with the P3s. I put a link to the 2023 Axpona where we showed the P3s with the A75. There are a few reviewer quotes listed in the report. Cheers!    
Anyone upgrade to the Merason Dac1 mkii?
@bluethinker Thanks for your kind words!   I'm glad you are enjoying the upgrade, give it a week or so and it should really start singing.  We have had a few trade ins for Merason DACs in the last couple of weeks.  One was particular DAC was almos... 
Non-fatiguing speakers in $10K range?
@mofojo  "You think a 2 way speaker with a 6-7 inch woofer/mid is gonna be good for rock or metal? Maybe at 75db but not much more than that and sound full and impactful." Actually yes, Led Zeppelin, Stones, Rush, ACDC, Nugent, Metallica, Van Hal... 
Non-fatiguing speakers in $10K range?
Hi mikhailark Best of luck on your quest!  I'm surprised no one has mentioned the QLN Prestige Three.  This is a very non-fatiguing speaker that works well with all music.  We also just started carrying Accuphase and there is definitely synergy b... 
Accuphase e-280 Review
Thanks all for the comments and feedback. To clarify, this is not meant to be an ad or an overly glowing review - just sharing what we found to be the sound signature and what living with an Accuphase is like.  Showing all the warts - we had a sp... 
Best DAC’S $5k to $15k
We demo a lot of DAC's for customers/home trials and they always choose the Mola Tambaqui. It is truly a DAC that competes with more expensive converters. I cannot say I agree with comments saying it isn't musical, it is very much so. However, the... 
All in One Solution for Streaming
Do not forget Hegel! Their integrated amplifiers have good DAC's and onboard streaming They can do Spotify, Tidal, Roon, AIrplay, etc.   
Aurender N200 - DAC compatability
We are a an Aurender dealer. I have had a couple of DAC's that did not jive with the Aurender at first. However, their support team can help. Also, Aurender should be able to play DSD up to 128 Check this link out: 
Anyone upgrade to the Merason Dac1 mkii?
@ricco275 @facten  Yes, that would be the fastest way to make sure.  @ricco275 Thanks for sharing the update of the changes with the new preamp.  Your findings are concordant with what I have observed over the last couple of years, especially sin... 
Metner MA3 vs Playback Designs MPD-6
We sell the MA3, however not the Playback Designs. The Meitner is extremely smooth, very detailed and has a wide soundstage. The upconvert to DSD, the fullness of the sound, and instrument separation are top notch. Very good build quality, volume ...