Auditioned Wilson Sabrina X vs B&W 803D4 and Shocked

I recently auditioned the Wilsons vs. B&Ws and am a little befuddled. I had money in hand and was ready to purchase the Wilsons, but after reading the stellar reviews of the Sabrina Xs, I didn't think anything could compare in that price range. The source equipment was the McIntosh MC611s and the MC12000, which closely replicated my equipment. 

It was not even a close comparison; the B&Ws were clearly better in every aspect. The midrange was glorious, the highs were crisp, and the bass filled the room. The Wilsons were anemic with bass (roughly 14'x16'). The midrange was clinical, and the highs were nothing to write home about. I'm perplexed because Sabrina's bass output (per the reviews) belies its driver size. We even experimented with the 4 and 8-ohm outputs on the Macs.

Has anyone experienced something similar, or am I missing something (synergy, cabling, etc.)? I really wanted to love the Wilsons, but at $20K, I am not impressed. I know the B&Ws are $5K more, but I heard that Wilson is doing a price increase for 2025, which will level the price gap. I would love to hear about some experiences involving both brands or the discrepancies I heard in the presentations.  


Showing 1 response by riche569

I was shopping for speakers about a year ago and I listened to the Wilson Sabrina X and the B&W 804. I ended up with a tube amp and hi efficiency speakers so that gives you some idea of my preferences. The dealer I went to only played the Sabrina's with top Audio Research and Naim electronics. I was only impressed listening with the AR, but that equipment cost at least 4x's the cost of the speakers so I think that was a big part of what I was hearing. For my ears the B&W's sounded too bright and harsh. I also listened to the Magico A5 speakers and I liked them much better. I would have bought the A5's but the WAF ruled them out.