Audioquest custom made triple weave design power cable (Storm Series).

Hi everyone,
I am interested in having my own customized Audioquest power cable build based of their new power line Storm series, which can be found here:

The reason being the new line is out of my budget AND I am very interested in how a tailor made Audioquest applied with my own ideas will sound.

The idea:

• Use Audioquest NRG 4 cable, which can be bought in bulk:

• Dissecting the NRG 4 cable into three different wire parts: neutral, live, earth.

• Add multiple layers of shieldings per wire part: carbon fibre, copper braided sleeve, carbon fibre sleeve.

• Twist the three shielded wire parts in a geometry as the new Audioquest cable above, also have a look at: and!/Level-3-Reference-Series-Power-Cords/p/14644872/category=3461168

These great performers also use the same triple twisted design.

There must be something good going on with this geometry? That is why I want to apply it.

• Finally add, Oyaide plugs at each end (046, 079 or 004) and fill it with special crystal mineral against vibration, EMI, RFI, see:

First of all, would the geometry and design help you guys think?

Would it be worthwhile to try?

I can get Audioquest nrg4 relatively cheap. It has to be Audioquest wiring for me.

Showing 33 responses by ctsooner

I have been into audio since 1969 and have heard a good difference constantly when listening to components with a top upgraded cord, but I have held out until last week.  I got to spend time with Garth, Richard Vandersteen and Alex (formerly with Ayre adn now AQ) at Audio Connections in NJ.  Garth had the prototype of the Dragon, Hurricane and Thunder.  He also had his brand new Niagara 7000.  We were playing around after everyone left and I was floored at the positive difference those cords made.  They were in clear jackets at the time and Garth made considerable changes after that, but I knew that I was going to audition them when they came to market.  I have heard them on the top line MSB full system, Ayre, Audio Research, Rowland, DCS full stack and so many more.  I'm blown away.  I have heard a full high end system fronted by Rockport Lyra's that had the top Enklein cables at around 12k each I think.  I wish I had Dragon's or Hurricane's wiht me.   I really have LOVED what these cables do up and down the spectrum.  

For those who claim that any cable is the same because they all allow the current to flow, you haven't heard these or you are wrong.  Garth has measurements and you can easily try to down play what he's doing, but he's doing much more than just moving the current.  

The second time I heard them was in a blind test sort of.  My friend and I were listening in his top room where he had his best gear.  He then told me that he wanted me to hear a different amp with the system, but all he did was change the power cords.  I was shocked at what it did to the sound.  I asked if the new amp was a better model of the one we had been listening to.  He laughed and showed me the Thunder cord attached to teh same amp.  I left teh room again and he put on the Dragon high current and again, I was blown away.  Then he put on the Hurricane and it was DARN close to the Dragon (that's why I went with the Hurricane instead of the Dragon).  

It all depends on how good your gear is and what they are capable of giving you.
I almost went for the Dragon to be honest.  I probably should have for my short source to preamp/integrated connection, but I decided to go all Hurricane in the end as I only have the Vandersteen Quatro CT's and will probable get the new Vandersteen under 20k mono blocks once they come out and then I can get two high current Dragon's for them and not have to sell the Hurricanes for a loss etc...  

I wish I could bring my Hurricanes (once they arrive and burn in for 400 hours) to that Rockport fronted system to hear the differences, lol.  That won't happen though. ;) 
Thanks Charger.  Garth is a great guy.  I can't wait for his 'next' set of products that I'm sure he's working on. He just gets it so no matter what he's working on, I'm sure it will be awesome.
I went ahead and got three Hurricane's. They are burning in, but right from teh get go, I realized that something special was going on in my system.  I'm floored so far, adn it's getting better by the day.
Promise I won't. Honestly, if I didn't think they made THAT much of a difference, I would have gladly posted that also.  :). 
I'm in shock guys. I only have about 80 hours on the three cables and it's a HOLY CRAP moment.  It's sounding better and better the more I listen.  I have a totally different system right now.  Don't even recognize it.  I never expected this.  Not in the least.  These Quatro's are sounding better than I've EVER heard a pair sound.  That's saying a ton as I have heard these in some awesome systems in stores and houses of friends.  I can't wait to get my Memory Player/DAC into the system. They are using a new dual DAC in it and I know Mark will tune the heck out of it and make it sound world class like all his products are.  The Memory Player right now is the best digital source I've ever heard and I've heard most of the top ones on the market.  I should have a chance to put these Hurrican's up against the 12k Enkleins soonish.  I have a feeling they will at least compete.  Those Enkleins are CRAZY good when I've heard them.

Bob, those are incredible and for the price, it's a no brainer.  I have heard all of them on a $250k plus system and then a system that costs less than mine does.  It didn't matter as the cables made very audible differences.  Bob, call Johnny and talk to him about them.  The Thunder is probably the best cord for the dollar out there.  I don't like most cords to be honest.  Most companies just use their speaker wires to make a cord.  It doesn't work that way.  

I can honestly say that Garth's new cords are a true component upgrade and not a tuning device.  I personally hate using any cable or cord as a tuning device.  That's NOT what they are supposed to do.  I was blessed to be able to get the WEL balanced interconnect for my DAC to amp and will now sell my Niagara and Water cables, as that step up was also another major upgrade.  

I find teh AQ products the most neutral, but there are some small companies who are playing in another price range that are also great.  I hope to get my Hurricane's to my friends house once they are burned in and once he gets his just ordered Enkleins burned in.  I want to see how they stack up.  I have a feeling that they may be more neutral and tonally dead on as most AQ stuff is.
Bob, I disliked their former power cords.  I also don't like MOST cords on the market.  These and Enkleins are the one ones I've heard that I love.  I was told that the Elrod's are also special, but even with any discounts they are very expensive.  
Great share Charger.  Very cool stuff and I totally agree. I nearly pulled the trigger on the nice Basis arm when I owned my Basis, but couldn't find one used that fit, lol.  I am in shock over how good these cords are.
changed?  How?  I just got mine a bit over a week ago. I wonder if I have the these or not.  I doubt that the sound has changed at all.
No, that didn't read well on the sound part, sorry.  Yes, I have the blue outer sleeves. I wonder why they changed them.  I love the plugs. They are the nicest I've ever seen adn that includes the top Furetech or Oyides.
Thanks are starting to burn in and now.  Dynamic as heck. I'll be asking AQ to make a cord for my Quatros. Yes, the difference it makes is the low end dynamics.  it does make a difference.  I'll get the Tornado's also for them. That's all they need. 
guys, AQ will terminate the cables to fit the Quatro on up. You just have to ask them.  
Charger, I didn't think that AQ wanted the Garth speaker cable deal out in public yet, but I guess it is ;) ....yes, preliminarily, the speaker cables will be game changers too.  Garth knowns what he's doing for sure.

I wonder if I need a special connection for the Quatro's too????  I haven't even looked to see if the Thunder's normal connection will work.
Thanks for sharing Charger.  I've got Thunder on order for the Quatro's.  Which connector did they put on them?  I assume the older one that was on the NRG?
chargerfan44 posts08-13-2018 1:50pmAlso, regarding the rumor out there about speaker cables, the prototype
of the Storm series cables was being demonstrated at a few select
dealerships two years ago. One of those I believe was Audio Connection
in New Jersey.

Yes, I was there.  Richard, Alex Brinkman, Johnny, Garth and I stayed after everyone left and auditioned for a while.  I was begging Garth to get me a couple of prototypes, lmao.  I waited a long time for them to come out, lol.  

You just took me by surprise when you spoke about the speaker cables. I was sworn to secrecy when told about them.  Please don't take my post any other way.  I've been waiting on Richard to get the amps to market and then Garth's new cables as I think they will be crazy good and affordable (well a few will be, lol).  It's a very exciting time for AQ as they have hired the right people.
Adaptors will most probably degrade the SQ.  Furetech makes a cool stand/holder for heavy connectors.  They have carbon in them and allegedly help SQ even more.  That's hard to believe, but these holders are wroth it if you are having problems.  

As for duplex outlets, are you using an audiophile one or even a $25 medical grade one?  If so, you won't have that problem.
To me it's not subtle at all.  Tornado to Thunder is subtle.  Some may think the Thunder to Hurricane is subtle, but it depends on your houses electrical as well as your system.  Mine has VAndy Quatro's and is highly resolving.  I have found the difference to be huge, so I went with Hurricane.  I'm getting the Dragon for my The Memory Player, once I get it as that is the biggest difference and I only need the source one.

I have used the Furetech, AQ's and the Cruze Maestro in a friends room. We also had the Oyaide installed.  He had totally separate circuits for each (he's a dealer with very high end gear and a great room).  

In order:
AQ, Oyide
Cruze (not close)

The tie is due to what flavor you like.  AQ is the house sound.  Most neutral with great timber and really dynamic.  Oyide is smoother and is a great performer all around.

All were very good and worth the upgrades.  I have my two lines on a wall that I need the electrician to extend to the new wall.  I am thinking strongly of getting the cryo Furutech top of the line as stated above as it's really special.  I'll use the two AQ's I have for my house circuit that will have a Richard Gray power deal that I plug my Wyred 4 Sound LPS (4 supplies) into.  I then use it to power my modem, router and cable TV box, lol.

Charger, it was awesome. Dinner was Italian of course.  The conversation was just amazing.  Learned sooo much.  :). Are you in SD? I used to buy through Bruce when I was stationed out there (82-87).  I still have the NAD system my brother bought from him and I still have part of my Stax system I got there.  It was the first time I met Richard. 
sorry you have to sell Darth.  Charger, very cool.  I've never met Randy. He's never been open when I"ve been down by 3rd street.  I've sent him many folks though, lol.  Including a 7 purchase.  I know he takes great care of customers and still has a great ear for set ups etc... Very small world.
Jim is also a great guy.  I love Aesthetix gear.  Wonderful stuff for the cost too.  Just like Vandersteen does.  
Thanks for the correction. I messed up the names. That can happen with me due to my MS.  You are correct.  

I found that on one of the systems I remember, the Tornado sounded a bit better than the Thunder.  The system was a fairly resolving system.  The system using the Hurricane vs the Tornado showed the Hurricane to be a very very good cord.  Dragon is in a different league.  I really wanted to hear the Dragon cords vs the Enklein that my buddy just got.  I may try and secure some of them to play a bit.  

As for which outlet to plug the Belles into, I've never been able to do that. I use an Ayre AX5/20 integrated and it sounds better in the power outlet.  

As for burn in, I needed about 500 hours before my bass fully settled in.  It also helped a spec with the soundstage, but it wasn't huge after the first 200 hours or so.  I play music at serious volume levels.  That's just me though.

I have the older one I guess as I have a reddish hue to mine.  I just got them a few weeks ago.  
It's going to be awhile as I need to get the Dragons' in my possession and then get my ride over to my buddies house to do the audition.  I too can't wait to hear it though, lol....  
The irony of it all is that I actually am willing to sell one of my Hurricane's to purchase the Dragon source cable for the DAC/server.  I may need to put an add together, lol.  
Charger, thanks.  Yes, I'm really excited about these cables.  AQ needed a full upgrade to the line I think. 
Can the base be used on Quartros?  Time to call Richard. Lol. Those are steep prices on speaker cable for many of us. Very interesting to say the least. 
Guys, each step of the way up with their power cords is a huge step up and not incremental.  I have Hurricanes on everything and will get dragon on my source and DAC soonish.  The new Garth Powell interconnects and speaker cables are supposed to be in another league like these power cords are.  Even friends who aren't AQ fans love my power cords when they come over and bring theirs to play.  Just amazing work by Garth.
Guys, AQ now has a new lower cost power conditioner.  I have the old style, which is a larger round power strip style. The new one is rectangle to fit on a shelf in a cabinet.  I"m thinking of selling mine and getting the 5000 as a step up.  The AQ conditioners are as good as any on the market to most folks. I have friends who sell other brands that are outstanding and are using the Niagara's in their own personal systems.  

Heck, I had the top Synergistic Research Powercell adn sold it for the lower priced Niagara.  It's a great device to say the least.  The only reason I'm probably going to sell is for the form factor in my set up.  
Jafant, you can Google it and pull it up. I know the 2018 is out there as I've often pulled it up.
They are all assembled in their plant in Irving CA if I recall correctly.  Maybe this has changed, but I don't think so.  The wire itself maybe from China, but I always thought it was from a US vender.  I may be off though.
I know that the wire that AQ sources is also drawn and jacketed in the US.  
I would venture to say that anything Garth comes up with will be outstanding.  He's a genius when it comes to cords and cables.  Dealers will be finding out very quickly and then we all will know what's up.
They must have changed the manufacturing.  I've seen video of some products being made in Irvine.  Good to know the cable is US made at least.
I just asked and will let you all know what I'm told. I'll be shocked if I don't get the honest answer and I will share.