Audiophile demographics?

Why are there a disproportional number of male audiophiles?
Not sure if this is a silly question, but speaking for myself, I have never met a female audiophile.
I am sure they exist, but their scarcity begs the question as to why.
Is it merely that men have more of the "mine is bigger than yours" mentality, do men love gadgets and tools or is it something more sinister?

Showing 1 response by tomcy6

Most women are not interested in audiophile gear because they are not interested, period.  They are not mistreated or excluded by men.  They are not beaten by their husbands for touching the stereo.

If women were interested in audio but didn't like the way men do audio, they could get together with other women and talk about audio or listen to music.  There is no one keeping them from enjoying better audio.  They just aren't interested, with exceptions, of course.