Audiophile demographics?

Why are there a disproportional number of male audiophiles?
Not sure if this is a silly question, but speaking for myself, I have never met a female audiophile.
I am sure they exist, but their scarcity begs the question as to why.
Is it merely that men have more of the "mine is bigger than yours" mentality, do men love gadgets and tools or is it something more sinister?

Showing 8 responses by millercarbon

Unlike you, I don't mind people disagreeing with me.

Yes you do. You are fit to burst at being caught out with your divisive and pathetic attempt at virtue signaling.  

You can blame me for asking the question again, but if the responses are any indication, the demographics haven't changed and female stereotyping is still an issue. Sad, but not surprising as the world gets more polarized every day.

What a steaming pile of malarkey! First YOU divide audiophiles by sex. Then YOU complain about stereotyping??? YOU divide- then you say the world is more polarized! That's rich!  

(Psychologists have a term for this behavior: projection. I prefer steaming pile of bull....)

Why do you care what sex audiophiles are? Since when did that become your responsibility? What are you going to do anyway, run around comparing demographics making sure the 50.8% or whatever it is females in the population are precisely 50.8% of audiophiles? Then what? When you have perfected that, you think you will stop there? No way, Jose! Then you will fret why are there more white ones, we need more brown ones! Why are you all healthy? We need more disabled! Why are there so few unemployed audiophiles??? (No dumber than your female fixation by the way.) On and on down the line dividing people by your always arbitrary made up ideas of how the world should be.  

Can't you see where this is going? The only place it can go? Some Big Brother telling everyone you must be this, you must be that. Give it up. Please.  

Or at least realize the problem isn't audiophiles ITS YOU, and quit giving us normal people who just want to live and let live such sanctimonious little sermons. Trust me when I say, you are not all that. 

Excellent. I’m in Washington. Have only driven parts of Mulholland, but drove the roads around Mt Tamalpais where in my 79 SC many curves are so tight and steep you cannot go slow in 2nd. You either go very slow in 1st, or very fast in 2nd. There is no in-between. So I know just what you mean. And congratulations, because that is not something a lot of people can do. Male or female. (I know, from being stuck behind them! 😂😂)

Cars are a digression. Porsche? Far from it. You are right though about women being rare. I ran Driver Skills a few years and we tried all kinds of things to encourage more women, but they just aren't interested. What got you hooked? Was it the experience of driving a Porsche? The 987 is one beautifully balanced remarkably responsive car. Or were you always into driving?

Coincidentally, far more guys are into the gal in your avatar than are gearheads.
Unfortunately, I do not think there is actually anything nefarious going on.
It might be as simple as women being emotion driven, when it comes to music, so the fact that it doesn’t "sound" perfect is irrelevant. They get what they need from the music itself.

Something very nefarious and sinister is indeed going on. Only just not the way you think. What you just said is, finally, very sensible. Most of it, anyway. Save for the one unfortunate word. Everyone knows men and women are very different creatures with very different interests, inclinations, and abilities. There’s a tremendous amount of overlap but the differences are at the extremes, something every single one of us used to know and take for granted - until the nefarious sinister stuff came along.

That it is indeed nefarious and sinister is revealed in your one word, "unfortunately". This one word gives away the game. What in the world is "unfortunate" about people not being all exactly the same?

Think about it. Because the next question is, Why would anyone want to make us all the same when we’re not?

If there was anything afoot women would be all over it. They are totally in love with shoes.
I could tell you. But the first rule of Fight Club is nobody talks about Fight Club.