AudioMachina V8

Anybody buy one?  Your review.

I own one. He was running a special for agon members.
He seems to be a nice guy.
Ive used it with many cartridges on a Sony PUA-7
and Jelco 750. I can’t comment on a night and day difference. Seems smarter than a Houdini...
the effect may not be as dramatic as I am using with a Korf 
ceramic headshell. Makes for an expensive spacer in my case....
At least there is some real world logic to it, and the ad copy says nothing about "quantum" or "nano"-anything.  The question would be whether absorbing the vibrational energy at the headshell is a good thing, or not. I suspect that if it works, it would work best with low compliance cartridges, which generate more spurious mechanical energy than high compliance ones.
$398 Whoa! Whoa! Would be interested to hear from folks that have used it. i