Audio Research Reference 5 SE Preamps For Sale?

Why are there so many ARC Ref 5 SE preamps for sale lately? Is there something that I don't know? I have been very impressed with this preamp in the past and have always kept an eye out for a good used one. There were 5 of them on Gon at one time not too long ago! Is there a particular reason why people are unloading them at this time? Thank you
I had a good laugh after reading the Audio Research Ref 6 description. "Further improvements include a more grainless presentation...". More grainless?

Either it has grain or it is grainless.

Not a big deal, but just funny.
Hey Statman, I met you the other day with Sunil. I flew to LA to listen to the full line of Wilson speakers over at Sunil's (Sunny's Audio Video). We came by your place to listen to your Maxx 3's. You have a great room/system and thank you again for having me over. Sunil, his wife and Sunil's right hand man are amazing, down to earth people. Sunil picked me up at the airport and basically spent the day with me. Really great people and what an awesome showroom!! You are so lucky to have a dealer/person like Sunil to work with. I did not end up getting the Wilson speakers, but hopefully some day will do some business with Sunil. Anyway, thanks for responding to my post. All the best.
Riparian---ARC makes that claim with every new model.

Keith---Sunil's right hand man used to be at Brooks Berdan Ltd., working for Brooks' son Brian. Brian has his own shop now (Audio Elements, in Pasadena) and is also a Wilson dealer. I would much rather buy a pair from Brian than Sunil (check the thread on the worst dealers in the country, a survey in which Sunil came out on top!).