Audio Research Reference 5 SE Preamps For Sale?

Why are there so many ARC Ref 5 SE preamps for sale lately? Is there something that I don't know? I have been very impressed with this preamp in the past and have always kept an eye out for a good used one. There were 5 of them on Gon at one time not too long ago! Is there a particular reason why people are unloading them at this time? Thank you

Showing 5 responses by taters


I tried to look up the thread you had mentioned about worst dealers in the country. I could not find it. Is it listed under a different thread?
I have dealt would Sunil and all I can say is to stay away from him. I don't know much about Brian Berdan but I would say give him a chance. I used to deal with Brooks Berdan all the time. He was very fair and congenial. I think there is a store in Santa Monica that also carries Wilson. I am sure you can find it on the Wilson website..