Audio research ref 6SE vs world

Which tube or SS line stage do you like as much or more and why? Any cheaper options that you actually preferred?

Showing 2 responses by verdantaudio

I find ARC sounds a but more SS than I like from a tube preamp.  I don't want something warm a gooey.  I prefer a middle ground.  That is my personal taste.  If I was going to get something that sounded like an ARC, I would probably get a new Pass which has left behind a bit of its historical warmth and not deal with the inconvenience and maintenance.  

I know you are looking at balanced stuff with XLRs and my system and amp preference is single ended, lower watt tube stuff so my preference in preamps is single ended at them moment.  

I personally really like AVM but I am a broken record with that.  The PA 8.3 is also not going to save you money vs. the ARC but will be a hair warmer and the card based, modular system offers a ton of flexibility, variable output and tone controls if you are into that sort of thing making it really easy to match with a lot of amps.    

Check out the Zesto Leto Ultra II.  I listened to the older model and it was phenomenal with their mono-amps.  I believe it was driving Magico S1s at the time (not MKiis) along with Scansonic's big array speaker.  Really nice sounding system.  

You could also check out Octave Audio.  Again, not sure it is going to save you money vs. the ARC but really awesome equipment.  I like the outboard power supply approach that they take.  

There are a million other options if you want tubes.  
Makes perfect sense.  
It’s funny.  When I think of VAC, I was thinking of higher priced units.  I have a customer who has the VAC Master preamp and it is insanely good but is much more at $28K.  He was joking that he was going to have his coffin fitted with room for that preamp.  At least I think he was joking.  
VAC would be my first choice.  Completely forgot about it.  The Signature MKiia SE would be an incredible option.  A hair more than the ARC but incredible unit.  
At a lower price, possibly the McIntosh C70?  Not quite on the same league as VAC or ARC but a hell of a nice preamp.