Audio Research Ref 6 SE

Hi , was told today that Audio Research Ref 6 SE is about to get released with first shipment scheduled by the end of December/ early January, if anyone has more information about specs please share , I emailed AR support waiting for response with details but they confirmed about Ref 6 SE release . I was about to purchase one so would be interested to see what got upgraded or how much will current Ref 6 will drop in price ..,

Showing 7 responses by daveyf

Interesting...’vastly improved and higher quality capacitors, internal wiring and a few other parts.’ ...
Which leads me to ask why were ARC using totally inferior and poor quality capacitors, internal wiring and other parts in the first place??
Plus, how did such amazingly new caps, internal wiring and other parts suddenly become available!
This marketing technique has always been a MAJOR turn off for me with ARC gear. IF--if such improvements are made over a large period of time, this I can understand and totally accept, but with such consistency and in such a small amount of time ( just a very few years with the Ref5 to Ref5SE and so many others ( Ref 6 to long??) ( as ARC has always been able to do...looking back at their history) ---that doesn’t pass the smell test, IMO.
@kren0006 Let’s hope that you are not the poor sap who bought the day before...LOL.
Selling the current model is not difficult at all once a new model has been stipulated, one simply has to discount the old model enough and disclose the new model to all potential buyers...very simple....unless that is you want to try and justify an unethical act.
I think the ONLY way these companies and their dealers learn is for everyone to vote with their wallet. Maybe when their income stream dries up, they will learn their lesson.
@9rw  +1000

What is still one of the most annoying and IMHO unethical things is the fact that so so many folks seem to think that it is ok to tell people some of the facts, but not all of the facts....IOW, it's what they don't tell you that hurts. NOT OK in my books! 

I have a good friend who also bought a very expensive piece of audio gear...only to find out that two weeks later a revised version came out with upgraded parts etc., which immediately resulted in a lowering of the value of his piece ( and a considerable loss if he had to sell it now).
He tells me that he would have been more than happy to wait the few weeks to buy the newer version...IF the dealer/manufacturer had made him aware of this fact. How many folks here think my friend is a happy camper and praising the dealer and manufacturer after this episode???
And yes, the piece he bought sounds exactly the same as when he bought what!!
@ghasley I think the fact that 9rw asked specifically and was not told the truth is a telling fact. So, either his dealer is dishonest or whomever he spoke to at ARC is, IMHO. Personally, I think that 9rw should not even have to ask for the upgrade, it should be offered as a simple courtesy...along with some form of compensation for the fact that he was deceived. That would be good/appropriate customer service IMO. 
Agree 100% there is no harm in him asking...only in him being denied, again IMHO.
The question that I always have is many times is a so called ’upgrade’ truly what it purports to be? If we are to believe everyone in this industry, all upgrades are always a step forward...yet IME, that has not always been the case. OTOH, how often have we heard that the upgrade is in fact...a downgrade in SQ!