Audio Research CD6 vs CD9 original and SE versions

I recently had an ARC CD6 in for a demo.  The system is:

Intel NUC --> MSB Analog (USB) --> Krell FBI --> Thiel CS2.7

With the ARC installed it went straight to the Krell.

What I heard was a fabulous top to midbass.  Where it did not sound right was in the bass.  For lack of a better term the bass sound was "rounded".  I tried a few different cables with varying degrees of success however I could not live with the bass.

My question is does anyone have experience with side-by-side listening of the CD6 vs CD9 and or the SE versions?  If so what differences did you hear?  I listen to mostly classical on this system and having poor bass drum, tympani, and double bass performance won't cut it.
I auditioned the CD9 with ARC gear. Ref5 SE pre-amp, Ref75 power amp.
For fun- Bryston 4B-ST power amp. Transparent OPUS cabling all around.Wilson Audio Sasha and Sophia loudspeakers. A large, rectangular room dimension, tuned by the late Dave Wilson.Audio Advice Raleigh, NC.

Musical selections:Jamie Cullum- Twentysomething (2004) VerveJourney - Greatest Hits (1988) ColumbiaDark Side of the Moon (DSOTM) 1990 EMISRV- Couldn't Stand The Weather (1986) Epic: all CDs are original pressings -not remasters starting after 1994.

then various tunes via a MacBook to demo the DAC section.
Happy Listening!

@jafant what did you listen to during the demo sessions?  what were the other components?

Thank You for the follow up. During my demo sessions, I did not find, the CD9 muddy in lower registers.

Happy Listening!
The sound of the individual instruments were fuller (some might call this warmer) however the bass was muddy.  I heard the instrumental presentation as closer to what I would hear in the concert hall with the exception of the double bass which was not clear at all.

This was the impression I got from the CD6 (review is of the REF9):

From this thread:

"The Ref 9 might not be the most detailed player in the World, especially at low frequencies where it is a little warm and wooly"

I will keep you posted as I attempt to obtain a demo of the CD6/6SE or CD9 SE spinners. HiFi Buys Atlanta is the closest ARC dealer/retailer to me.

Happy Listening
@jafant that could be.  I for one would like to hear a few ARC players back to back to back.

I think the ARC had a fantastic mid/high presentation.  A trombone should sound like a trombone and a flute should sound like a flute.  Not all trombones sound the same and not all players on the same equipment sound the same however there is a component of the sound that should identify it as a trombone or a flute.  I think that is what the ARC gets right.  

The MSB on the other hand gives a very clear presentation with a little less of that component of the sound that identifies the instruments.

I keep re-reading this post and wonder, if, ARC has developed these newer spinner(s) to "bloom" in the midbass/midrange registers?
Possibly a more rounded or softer presentation?

Happy Listening!
@jond @georgehifi I've looked at the MSB spinners however they use the Oppo transport which may be hard to get these days.

I've run a few different CD players into the MSB however they never quite worked for me:

Denon 1650AR
Primare CD31

The midbass on up was far superior on the ARC CD-6.

Ideally I would like something that I can play discs and has a USB or network input.

Just curious if you're just wanting to play CD’s why don’t you run a transport into your MSB Dac?

+1 on that.  jond

solobone22 If the CD6 and CD8 and CD9 are all  PCM 1792. wouldn't bother them the MSB should nail them all.

Give me the MSB Analog and a nice CD transport, and feed that Krell direct with the MSB's volume control.

Cheers George
Just curious if you're just wanting to play CD’s why don’t you run a transport into your MSB Dac? Or do you not like the sound of the MSB?
From another post:

"The Ref CD-8 used Burr Brown PCM 1792 chips configured in stereo mode. By contrast, the CD-6 and Ref CD-9 use the BB PCM 1792A, but configured in quad mono mode."

Does this - in your experience - lead to issues with low frequency issues?

To me if both well implemented, it comes down to the type of conversion used, Delta Sigma or R2R Ladder 

The AR 9 uses PCM1792 dac chips which are Delta Sigma, not my favourite, my fav being the R2R ladder dacs PCM1702 and the even better last made PCM1704.

The AR6 I can’t find what dac chips it uses, I looked but there is hundreds to look through, Search "Audio Reseach CD6’ and look for dac chip, dac’s, or D/A converter. If you find it let me know, as it "seems" to be a bit of a secrete.

Cheers George