Audio Research, AYON and Primaluna tube amplifiers.

Hello Agoners,

May I ask how would these 3 companies stand out from each others?

Can we rank them as for:

1. Sound quality

2. Performance

3. Reliable

4. Reputation.

5. Service and support

6. Resell value.

I’m still very new to tube amps and only had Cayin A-88T and VTL ST-150 in the past.


Showing 1 response by tuberist

I am a PrimaLuna owner for 3 1/2 years. You did not state how much money you wanted to spend. I have used tube amplification for decades and the ease of use provided by prima Luna is truly incredible. ARC is a top-notch brand with terrific resale value and sound quality. ARC will definitely provide a more refined musical presentation than  prima Luna, which is very good. It satisfies me and I have had much more expensive tubed amplification in the past. Ayon I am not familiar with except they like chrome in their designs  which really is offputting to me.